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Relationship Talk With Bukky: When will I get a girlfriend?

I have never had a girlfriend.

I need guidelines on how to cope with this situation.

Dear Bukky,

I am 21 year old and I have not managed to have a girlfriend.

Now it has become a challenge for me to search so I am requesting for your guideline on how to cope with this situation.

Dear reader,

There is only one thing I can assure you of: you have nothing to worry about.

I don’t know what you might have heard or seen or been taught, but I need you to realise that you are just 21 and have a whole life ahead of you!

All you need do now is to build confidence – do this by becoming friends with as many ladies as possible. Not with an intent to date, just be friends. It helps you know how to relate, converse and deal with women to an extent.

Your grooming is also important – oral hygiene, physical appearance, how you dress and all that.

You should also pay attention to your mind. Read as many things as possible, watch as many movies as possible, be aware of the world around you  as much as possible.

Also be social, get involved in causes and activities that will put in proximity with other young people where your chances of meeting a girl will be increased.

This is not a conclusive or absolute body of guides but this should help.

You’ll be fine, my friend.
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