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Strategy: 4 big differences between conservative bosses and millennial bosses

Millennials see workplace as an extension of their homes. Always want to be relaxed.

You need to know these to understand why your boss act the way he/she does.

The leadership skills of an individual are connected to the style of management prevalence during his/her time, thus leading to a wide diversion between millennial and old-style conservative bosses.

Nowadays, there is a high frequency of workplace disharmony arising from boss and subordinate relationship. This is arising from the mismatch of ethical orientation and management style deployed by bosses to get their subordinate or employees to their best performance, and thus achieve organizational goal.

Having worked in organisations led by personalities from both classes, here are some contrasting traits observed in their leadership styles.

1. The motivator vs the consensus-seeker

The millennial bosses are motivators and cheerleaders energizing their team to get the best performance out of them. As a result, they are able to inspire and form a formidable team that can secure the company’s future.

This is why it is a common practice in organisations run by a millennial to see more social and work-related activities.

Old bosses, expect few, tend to be a consensus-seekers. They are generally suspicious of people and employee(s) with high skills and expertise. It is, as a result, there is a high labour turnover in these organisations.

Just as I have stated earlier, it is not a general case with all, but with many. However, millennial bosses are mostly found be a bit manipulative, though for the success of the company.

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2. Need to know all vs just get across to me when needed

One of the top complaints about conservative bosses is 'the need to know all' operation style. Thus, ‘cc’ everybody in emails is a frequent practice. And many young people working in the organisation are found to always exclaimed "I don't really need to know all this."

In contrast, a millennial boss gets you to work independently and relate with people involved in a task. To them, you only need to get them involve when something is going on as expected.

To them, "If you don't hear from me, then everything is fine." As a result of this approach, most employees with millennial boss get more done and achieve more self-esteem in their roles.

3. The celebrator of success vs the fault-finder

One thing with millennial bosses is the passion to celebrate individual achievement(s) of their subordinate(s). This, thus, help to create a better working environment or climate. This case is not generally, but most common.

By contrast, conservative bosses, except few, are irritating fault-finding individuals. Thus creating a hostile work environment for a young employee to cope and drain his morale.

In recent time, millennial bosses have also been noted to be adopting this style in frustrating a high performing employee.

4. Eye level vs. the authority figure

The free spirit of millennial made bosses from their class to be an eye level leader. You can always work up to him/her and hear your view, but not in all cases. But adopting this 'eye level style' helps facilitate communication between them and their subordinates.

To them, there is no boss, but one just leading the team.

Conservative bosses pose to be an authority figure, and they are seen to be so. This is why in such organization, most people are interested in their positions or title. This impacts on how employees deal with their managers.

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