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iOS 11: Apple's new operating system is available for you to try out now

iOS 11 brings a macOS-style Dock to the iPad.

Before now, Apple has only released developer betas of iOS 11 and getting that would mean you would have to open a $99 developer account.

Apple has released the first public beta of the new iOS 11 operating system and it is available to any iOS user for free. 

With the final version of the critically acclaimed operating system coming in September, Apple will be releasing regular public betas to iron out the bugs and test out iOS 11’s new features on a larger group of users.


Before now, Apple has only released developer betas of iOS 11 and getting that would mean you would have to open a $99 developer account. Thankfully, the first public beta is here and it’s free. 

To download the iOS 11 public beta, you’ll have to visit the Apple Beta Program website, enroll your iOS compatible device (iPhone, iPad or iTouch), install a configuration profile, reboot your device and update it just like you would conduct a normal OS update.

ALSO READ: Here are 5 new features that are coming to your iPhone

You can use AirDrop to conveniently transfer configuration profiles across your iOS devices and when the final version of iOS 11 is available in September, your device will automatically update. 

iOS 11 has a ton of big and small features that will make the iPad user experience closer to a PC experience (which is what Apple has wanted to with the iPad since it was first launched) so if you have an iPad, you’re in luck.


As for the iPhone, there are also changes and improvements like new tricks for the Photos app, person-to-person payments in iMessage using Apple Pay, and the Control Center has been redesigned completely. 

What do you think about the new iOS 11? Do you think it will improve your user experience on the iPhone/iPad? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

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