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In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

(Make the intention for the Novena)


*The Five Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays)*
I. The Baptism in the Jordan
II. The Wedding at Cana
III. The proclamation of the kingdom
IV. The Transfiguration
V. The institution of the Eucharist

*The Five Joyful Mysteries (Monday & Saturday)*
I. The Annunciation: Humility
II. The Visitation: Charity
III. The Birth of our Lord: Poverty or detachment from the world
IV. The Presentation of our Lord: Purity of Heart, Obedience
V. The finding of our Lord in the Temple

*The Five Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday & Friday)*
I. The Agony in the garden: Contrition for our sins
II. The scourging at the pillar: Mortification of our senses
III. The crowning with Thorns: Interior Mortification
IV. The Carrying of the Cross: Patience under crosses
V. The crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ: That we may die to ourselves

*The Five Glorious Mysteries (Sunday & Wednesday)*
I. The resurrection : Conversion of heart
II. The ascension: A desire for heaven
III. The coming of the Holy Ghost: The gifts of the Holy Spirit
IV. The Assumption of our blessed mother into heaven: Devotion to Mary
V. The Coronation of our Blessed Mother: Eternal Happiness

*A Prayer to Venerate Saint Charles Lwanga*
Eternal father, I wish to honour Saint Charles Lwanga, and I give you thanks for all the grace bestowed upon him. I ask you to please increase the grace in my soul through the merit of this saint and I commit the end of my life to him by this special prayer, so that by virtue of your goodness and promise, Saint Charles Lwanga might be my advocate and provide whatever is needed at that hour. Amen

*Prayer for Youth*

*Leader:* The Fear of the Lord
*ALL:* Is the beginning of wisdom.
*Leader:* Let us Pray
*All:*  To us, Almighty Father all things are new and venturable for this age full of vitality and promising future, receive our sincere thanks and adoration. For the times we have walked other ways, forgive us and still mould us in your image.
Be with us at every moment of our life to support us by the strength of your love. At the turn of each tide of our life, make a way for us. Show us the light when indecision or disappointments make us to stagger.
Encourage us whenever our faith begins to fail. Be patient with our fumbling towards our goals. Even when we do not deserve your love, we still need it most. Let our hearts burn with love of you. Use our hands and feet to achieve your goals. Guide and protect our leaders in the hour of trials: reward them for they spend themselves for us. May we serve you with all our hearts and strength. When we get old; give us memories of a lifetime well spent entirely for you and others.
May you be our eternal reward at the end. Amen!


*Novena prayer in honour of Saint Charles Lwanga*
St. Charles Lwanga and the martyrs of Uganda, we come to you asking your prayer of intercession on behalf of all who suffer from unjust exercise of authority. May you who were so cruelly prosecuted for your faith in Jesus Christ intercede for all who are oppressed, that they might be comforted by the divine mercy and empowered by the gift and grace of fortitude. May justice be the goal of all people and may all who are called by the name Christian join together in the work of redemption directed at the sins and the structures of sin that afflict our communities. Amen!

*Prayer to our Lady*
*All:* Mother of perpetual help, with the greatest confidence we come before you to be inspired by the examples of your life. We think of you at that moment when, full of faith and trust, you accepted God's call to be the mother of His son. Help us, your children, to accept with joy our own calling in life. When you learned that your cousin Elisabeth was in need of you, immediately you went to serve her and offer your help. Help us, like you, to be concerned with others. We think of you mother at the foot of the cross. Your heart must have bled to see your son in agony, but your joy was great when He from the dead, victorious over the powers of evil. Mother of sorrow, help us to realize that we must expect trials and disappointments, help us not to lose heart, may we share with you and your son the joy of having courageously faced up to all the challenges of life. Amen!

*Prayer for vocation*
Send forth your spirit Lord, into the hearts of your faithful people, that they may be conscious of their vocation to holiness and service to others. Behold Lord at your feet a humble and unworthy sinner, beset with doubts and anxieties concerning my vocation. As you are the guide of poor mortals here on earth. I come to you in my perplexity for light and guidance. I am aware that I shall be saved only in that state of life which I have been attracted by super abundant grace bestowed upon me by you. Direct me to choose that state of life God has designed for me that I may best serve Christ the king here on earth and thereafter see and possess him for all eternity. Amen!

*Prayer for students*
Father of Light and Wisdom, thank you for giving me a mind that can know and a heart that can love. Help me to keep learning everyday of my life - no matter what the subject may be. Let me be convinced that all knowledge leads to you and let me know how to find you and love you in all things you have made.
Encourage me when the studies are difficult and when I am tempted to give up. Enlighten me when my brain is slow and help me to grasp the truth held out to me. Grant me the grace to put my knowledge to use in building the kingdom of God on earth so that I may enter the kingdom of God in heaven. Amen.

*Prayer for the Unemployed*
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you wanted all who are weary to come to you for support. Lord, I am worn out by my inability to find wage-earning work. Day after day, my worry and fear grow as the rejections of my applications mount. I am able and willing to work but I cannot find a worthwhile job. Please help me to obtain one soon so that I can support myself and my family in a decent way. However, if it is your will that I wait longer, enable me to worry less and to be able to take advantage of the time available to get closer to you. Let me realize that there are other ways to bring about your kingdom on earth besides salaried work. Help me to make use of them for the time being so that I may continue to grow as a person for your greater glory. Amen.

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